Your smog test can be just as daunting as taking your SATs if you are unprepared. If you don’t pass, you can’t keep legally driving your car and the repairs can get costly. This test ensures that your vehicle is not producing more than its’ share of emissions and that it is contributing to keeping the air as clean as possible. These following tips may just help increase your chances of passing when it comes time to have a Smog Test done.
Investigate That Check Engine Light
This is the biggest and easiest issue to avoid; if you go into your smog test with your engine light on, it’s an immediate fail. Simply get your vehicle diagnosed and resolve the issues to get one step closer to passing.
Make Sure Your Tires are Properly Inflated To The Correct Tire Pressure
Most states run a dynamometer test, which forces your car to run at high speeds while staying stationary. When your tires aren’t fully inflated, your engine must work even harder, meaning more fumes will get released into the air.
Avoid Rainy Weather
Rainy weather can cause issues with your tires, such as loss of traction, especially if your car is older. When your tires are wet, they can slip during the dynamometer test. This can result in a fail simply because it can give a false reading from the machine.
Change That Dirty Oil
If your car is running with dirty oil, it releases more pollutants than it would with clean oil. While you’re in the process of changing the oil, have the technician also check for any issues with the hoses as they can have your car not running at optimal performance as well.
Drive At Highway Speeds
Two weeks before your test, you should be driving at highway speeds causing your catalytic converter to heat up and burn away any gas or oil residue inside of your engine.
Drive Before Your Test
You should take your car out for a drive at least 20 minutes before your smog test because this will result in optimal results. When you do this, your car is put in its best state when running, which gives you a better chance of passing. A warmed-up engine performs better than a cold one.
Have A Tune Up Done
One of the main things you should do before your test is to take your vehicle in for a tune-up. Regular service for your vehicle is the best way to prevent problems when it comes time for you to have a Smog Test. When you have a professional double-check that everything is good, it’s nearly impossible to fail!
If you need help with any of these issues please contact us at 310-473-2235 to set up an appointment, and we will be happy to help you resolve them. Smog tests shouldn’t be as stressful as everyone makes it seem, and with these tips, it absolutely won’t be. When you run your car through all these little inspections, you won’t have to worry about this test ever again!
Thank you for reading, next weeks installment will be about Bus Stop Safety.
Laura @ Westside Transmission & Automotive, Inc.