As September rolled in, so did the new school year. Some of us have children, grandchildren or know children that have already started school a couple of weeks ago while others just started. Here at Westside Transmission & Automotive, as we helped our own children prepare for their new school year, we were inspired by their opportunity to learn and grow. In our great country, state and city of Los Angeles, we are fortunate to be able to send our children to schools to educate them and develop their future. This inspired us to do things a little differently this year. In an effort to invest in our children, their future and our community, we decided to support our local schools by providing them with much needed funds. As these schools begin setting up for the upcoming academic year, look out for the Westside Transmission & Automotive banners at the different local schools, displaying our support.
This support provides local schools with much needed funds to purchase things such as physical education equipment, art and garden enrichment programs, to obtain additional classroom aides to reduce the currently high ratio of students per teacher and more. Each school uses these funds differently and we are proud to be of assistance for that.
Westside Transmission & Automotive is a family owned business. We have been at our West Los Angeles location for almost twenty years now. We serve residents of Los Angeles as well as Santa Monica, Marina del Ray, Playa del Ray, Culver City, Beverly Hills, Burbank, the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas. We appreciate you and the rest of our community. We recognize that whether educating children or developing a business, “It Takes A Village!” and our proud to do our share in helping our community.
As you drive through your neighborhood, let us know if you see our banner. We’d love to hear from you.