Preventative Maintenance is More Important as Vehicles Age The average age of vehicles on the road is rising, and as cars get older, they need more service and repair. The non-profit Car Care Council recommends that motorists who own an older car, truck or SUV become more diligent about preventative maintenance.
“With the average vehicle age exceeding 11.5 years, the chance of a breakdown or service issue on an older vehicle is much greater,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “The Car Care Council urges drivers of older vehicles to implement a preventative maintenance plan for their vehicle to minimize the chances of a roadside breakdown and to also help their vehicle run more efficiently and economically.”
According to Experian Automotive, the average age of passenger vehicles on the road is rising, up from 11.29 years in the first quarter of 2015 to 11.61 years in 2019. The most common maintenance procedures to keep a car operating safely and reliably, while maintaining its long-term value, involve checking the oil, filters and fluids, the belts and hoses, brakes, tires, and air conditioning. An annual tune-up and wheel alignment are also recommended.
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