If you live near or around Los Angeles and want to take a road trip somewhere else in the great state of California, there are several wonderful options within driving distance. Luckily the state of California offers up a wide away of interesting destinations from north to south and from east to the east. Westside Transmission & Automotive has some suggestions about where to go:
Salton Sea
If you drive south down a quiet stretch of the 111, you'd be surprised that the lake was a popular resort area in the 1950's. Due to more pollution and agricultural runoffs, this area is decaying and often forgotten. However, that is also the appeal that draws people to this area that once had some luxury and glamour. You can explore abandoned structures along the shoreline and then eat at one of the only establishments in the area, the Ski Inn. Be sure to check out Salvation Mountain, a rainbow-colored hill with the words "God is Love."
Palm Springs
A fast and simple trip from Los Angeles, Palm Springs is definitely a great pick for a weekend trip. The windmills doing their job at multiple wind farms make an otherwise monotonous stretch very appealing and come alive. Search for the dinosaur replication on the side of the road and you'll discover a the 50-foot Brontosaurus and a T. Rex, a popular roadside attraction. The gift shop is actually in the belly of the Brontosaurus. For ten dollars, you can climb the T-Rex and sit in its mouth. For a self-guided architecture tour of the town, be sure to get a map of modernist buildings at the Frey-designed Palm Springs Visitors Center.
Joshua Tree
If you want to visit one of the most mystical, magical, and intriguing places in California, Joshua Tree is a great choice. The National Park is filled with impressive ancient Joshua trees and huge boulders. This is a popular camping locale due to incredible stargazing opportunities. Be prepared to listen to wild coyotes howling while you sleep! Be sure to stop at Pappy & Harriet's for lunch on the way and stay for live music later in the day. Visit the Integration for a nap on a hammock and new-age sound bath. Joshua Tree itself also has some unique shops, such as the well-known Crochet Museum filled with all types of quirky art.
If you have any more questions about California getaways or have any other auto repair inquiries, don’t hesitate to ask the team at Westside Transmission & Automotive. To schedule an appointment, contact us. We are located at 2050 Cotner Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025.